“I can control the flow of

paint there is no accident”

Jackson Pollock



Interview Farid Izemmour

February 22, 2022

“Born in Algiers on 24th September 1961, I discovered my attraction to drawing at Hamia High School. My obvious talent did not go unnoticed, and in 1978 my teacher enrolled me in the School of Fine Arts in Algiers. This was the first milestone on my path to becoming the artist I am now. ”


Culture : Farid Izemmour sélectionné pour le Artbox Project de Zurich.

December 4, 2020

“Après avoir participé le mois dernier au Festival international des arts et de l’architecture Borders Festival Future Landscapes de Venise (15 octobre au 29 novembre), Farid Izemmour a été sélectionné pour exposer ses peintures au ARTBOX Project de Zurich (du 04 janvier au 31 Mars 2021)…”

Interview: Farid Izemmour Itsliquid

October 29, 2020

“Farid Izemmour is a Swiss Citizen with Algerian origin, He was born on September 24th, 1961 in Algiers. Farid discovered his attraction for drawing at the Lycée Hamis in Algiers. In 1978, a professor noticed his talent and enrolled him in the School of Fine Arts of Algiers. Reluctant to follow a preconceived study pattern, Farid instinctively heads into the field of health fueled by a desire to be useful…”